Ofuro hot tub

Ofuro hot tub

Cedar wood is a renewable, noble and environmentally friendly resource. A bath made of cedar wood is a choice that makes sense in terms of respect for nature.

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Categories: SKU: N/A


Square, rectangular or round (⌀100cm 130cm or customized) – Red cedar wood hottubs and red cedar wood bathtubs.

Suitable for one or two persons, depending on the size, Ofuro tubs feature the classic look and feeling of a traditional wooden tub. Their design and their compact size means they heat up quickly and keep heat for a long time.

When high quality red cedar wood is heated up to 38 degrees, it diffuses a pleasantscent. Wooden hot tubs and bathtubs provide a wonderful feeling of relaxation in a healthy atmosphere.

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Round100, Round130, Rectangular standard, Rectangular premium, Square standard, Square premium


No oprional, Reclining seat 1 person, Small stairs 2 steps, Reaclin + Stair


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